PLC programming
PLC programming in all its facets
Vou are given access to the entire automation spectrum on a supplier-independent hardware basis. We can help you plan and build a new installation or upgrade/refit your existing system.
We work with standards developed by ABB, Allen Bradley, Beckhoff, Phoenix Contact, Siemens, Rockwell, Wonderware and others and use all established bus systems and components, including PROFINET, PROFIBUS, INTERBUS, AS-Interface, Industrial Ethernet, DeviceNet, ControlNet, Ethernet/IP, serial interfaces, etc. We are often called on to upgrade existing machines to the latest technological standards. This includes fitting visualisation tools and retrofitting out-of-date control systems with modern PLC technology.
We can program PLC controls for all kinds of industrial applications and automation systems.
Please feel free to contact us at any time for further information.
Just get in touch with our specialists at PLC Programming.
Drive systems and control engineering
Blumenbecker works with well-known partners in drive systems and develops complex production lines for you worldwide.