Perfect seams for hot water
New robot welding system for Tatramat
When hot water comes out of a tap in Slovakia it is often thanks to Tatramat. The company, which is part of the Stiebel Eltron Group, is one of the best known manufacturers of water heaters, heating appliances and heat pumps in eastern Europe. And product quality was given a further boost in the autumn of 2019 with the introduction of fully automatic robot welding equipment for the highly sensitive seams on the hot water vessels.
What's to be done when you want to streamline a process but find that the skilled workers you need are not available? This was the problem facing Stiebel Eltron's Slovakian subsidiary in early 2019 when the company wanted to improve the welding process used on the pressure vessels fitted to its water heaters. Tatramat decided that it would fully automate this operation and consequently chose Blumenbecker Slovakia to be its project partner. As a robotics specialist, Blumenbecker has built up a high level of expertise in the development of individual customer solutions.
Robotics can be used for complex welding tasks
This was exactly the kind of know-how that was required, for one of the reasons in favour of a fully automated solution was the fact that a different type of weld joint was now to be used. The different parts making up the pressure vessel would henceforth be joined using butt seams. "With this type of welding process it is crucial to have very precise positioning of the parts involved“, explains Peter Grňo, the managing director of Blumenbecker Slovakia. Blumenbecker developed a solution whereby mechanical guides align the welding parts at an exact angle of 180 degrees to one another. "Sensors are used to monitor the entire procedure and these ensure that all the parts are in place and correctly positioned“, Grňo continues. "Only then can the welding process commence.“
3D concept the deciding factor
The robotics specialists first presented their concept as a 3D visual model. This gave Tatramat an opportunity to test each and every detail of their new welding system in a virtual environment and to make any adjustments they wanted at this initial design stage. Events then moved to the implementation phase. The main workstation units are two synchronised KUKA KR CYBERTECH industrial robots that simultaneously produce the circumferential welds required. Both robots are equipped with Fresenius welding technology. An optical Scansonic laser system, which was specially designed for butt welding work, oversees the entire welding process and immediately corrects any errors.
» Blumenbecker's solution is helping us in our drive to become the market's leading quality provider. «
Saving time in ultimate safety
In order to save time when changing over the welding parts the system has been equipped with a rotary table on a synchronous axis. This allows welding to be carried out on one side while a new component is already being positioned on the other. Turning the table then brings the new part up and immediately ready for welding. And the robot welding station also meets the highest safety standards. Safety doors, light curtains and other measures are in place to protect man and machine. The system's modular design guarantees flexibility and future extensions and modifications can easily be realised.
Another automation project in the planning pipeline
Blumenbecker's all-round service package covers everything from extensive pre-testing to the maintenance of robot workstations, with service hotline and just-in-time spares delivery thrown in for good measure. Blumenbecker also provided in-depth training for Tatramat's operating personnel. This means that in future the staff there can make stand-alone programming changes, enabling the system to switch to the manufacture of other products. The joint project turned out to be a great success overall and to quote Jan Girgas, Tatramat's Technical Manager: "Blumenbecker's solution is helping us in our drive to become the market's leading quality provider.“ Blumenbecker is currently busy developing a concept that will produce another fully automated workstation.