Blumenbecker donating 24,000 Euros to bring Christmas joy Support for projects in Germany, Kenya and Cambodia
This Christmas, Blumenbecker has decided not to give presents to its customers; instead, it will donate funding for people in need, giving a total of 24,000 euros in support of three aid projects.
“Many people lack even the essentials,” says Dr Wolfgang Fink, CEO of the Blumenbecker Group. “That being so, we, as a successful company, see ourselves as having a responsibility to help.” The company is therefore supporting projects with which Blumenbecker has a special connection.
In Kenia, it is giving the Göhde Foundation a sum of 8,000 euros to assist the latter in a project to set up a basic power supply system in a village using solar energy. “As a group of companies that is reliant on electric power in all the fields in which it works, we know how important electric power is for modern communications and education,” states Dr. Fink.
For Qiaoling DiHeil, managing director of the Chinese Blumenbecker companies, a trip to Cambodia in 2008 became a mind-changing experience. Moved by the poverty in which many people, and especially children, are forced to live there, she decided to become voluntarily involved. Since then, she has been engaged in helping disadvantaged children in Cambodia. The Christmas donation of 8,000 euros will go to an organisation which is dear to her: the › Home of Love and Gratitude to Mothers ‹. The money will secure the livelihood of twelve sick and disabled children for three years.
But also in Germany, in the neighbourhood of Blumenbecker’s head office in Beckum, North Rhine-Westphalia, there are children, young people and families who find themselves in material or mental distress through no fault of their own. Through the Christmas donation of 8,000 euros to the ‘Aktion Lichtblicke’, Blumenbecker would also like to give them a little hope and joy.
To find out more about the individual projects, go to www.christmas2017.blumenbecker.com.