Certification according to ISO 45001 New international standard for occupational health and safety
Under the supervision of TÜV Nord, the audits for certification according to ISO 45001 were carried out at the beginning of 2021. The new standard is the world's first international standard for occupational health and safety and replaces the previous OHSAS 18001.
"The new standard is much more practical," says Uwe Andreas Schmidt, Head of Quality Management and Occupational Safety, "it contains instructions for the practical implementation of health and safety. This allows us to actively address risks and ensure greater health and safety in the workplace."
The management and department heads at Blumenbecker Holding personally monitor compliance with the rules at all Blumenbecker sites. A consistently low number of workplace accidents proves that the management and work processes meet the highest safety requirements.
ISO 45001 currently covers all German companies in the Blumenbecker Group, Blumenbecker Polska Sp. z o.o. and Blumenbecker Engineering Polska Sp. z o.o.
The picture shows Uwe Andreas Schmidt (B+M Blumenbecker GmbH), Harald Golombek (B+M Blumenbecker GmbH), Oliver Rauch (TÜV Nord), Olaf Lingnau (B+M Blumenbecker GmbH) and Richard Mayer (B+M Blumenbecker GmbH) handing over the ISO certificate.