10,000 euros for children in need "The future depends on what we’re doing today." (Mahatma Gandhi)
Christmas is a good time to think about those who are not doing so well. Fear of the future because it seems dark and hopeless. That is why we support two children's aid projects with 5,000 euros each instead of Christmas presents for our customers and employees.
The charitable association ARCHEMED - Ärzte für Kinder in Not e.V. (ARCHEMED - Doctors for Children in Need) is involved with volunteer doctors, nurses and technicians on site in Eritrea, in North East Africa. A mother-child clinic is currently being built in the provincial capital of Keren. Since the power supply in the region is anything but secure, a photovoltaic system is to be installed. Unfortunately, only part of the costs will be covered. A large part has to be financed by donations. With the donation of 5.000 Euro we would like to contribute to the fact that the plant can be realized as fast as possible. Gottfried Moehring, a retired former employee of Blumenbecker Automatisierungstechnik GmbH, was still on site in October - as a technician. Since 2013, he has been working for ARCHEMED as an honorary assistant. “The children are dear to me. I can help where it is needed," he says gladly.
But not only in distant Africa, there are also children in Germany who urgently need help. Aktion Lichtblicke e.V. was founded in 1988 to help families and children who are in spiritual and material need through no fault of their own to have a better future. It provides "neighbourly help" for the youngest and weakest members of our local society in Westphalia, the headquarters of the Blumenbecker Group. A further 5,000 euros will be used to help those who cannot help themselves. "The campaign is a real ray of hope for the future of disadvantaged children and families. We are happy to support this," says Richard Mayer, spokesman for the holding.