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E-procurement for Weimar-Werk GmbH
C-parts are cheap, but cost a lot. This wisdom is not new and is well-known and unpopular, especially among buyers. Thomas Stegmann, authorised officer at Weimar-Werk GmbH, is also a little annoyed by the costs of so-called 'low-value goods'. To get over this, he opted for Blumenbecker's e-procurement system. Since then, he has been able to keep an eye on the costs of C-parts and sees many advantages.
Weimar, in the heart of Thuringia. Here is where the Weimar-Werk GmbH is located. Screening and crushing technology, conveyor technology, mechanical engineering and steel construction are among the business areas of this medium-sized company. Mainly, assemblies made of stainless steel are manufactured for the food industry. Thomas Stegmann was looking for ways to improve the procurement of C-parts. "When I was researching on the Internet, I noticed Blumenbecker," he says.
E-procurement brings light into the darkness
After the first contact with Matthias Starkmann, Key Account Industrial Customers at Blumenbecker Industriebedarf, the solution was quickly apparent: e-procurement. With electronic procurement (e-procurement), a large part of the administrative work is eliminated because the requester in the company is also the orderer. Erroneous orders, wrong numbers or wrong orders are a thing of the past; ordering times are shortened.
» When problems arise, Blumenbecker reacts quickly, with a lot of ambition and commitment. «
Everything in focus
Starkmann analysed the purchasing processes, classified the requirements and thus determined the suitable e-procurement solution for his customer: "eproc.III offers the possibility of structuring the entire procurement area in a modern way, of evaluating it very well and of a good cost analysis in the project business," Starkmann explains his decision. eproc.III is an Internet-based 'on-demand solution' and therefore does not bind any IT capacities. A connection to the customer's existing ERP system is also possible. Thomas Stegmann also saw the advantages and was immediately trained as an administrator. He tested the system himself and examined it from all angles, set up employee accesses and stored the various authorisations. "He turned out to be a real natural," Starkmann grins.
But Matthias Starkmann is not the only one involved in the project. Henrik Spiske is a service provider and supports Weimar-Werk in the office. If the customer has any questions about the system, or if data has to be entered, he is the contact person.
More than 50,000 articles
Several employees at Weimar-Werk are equipped with the eproc.III licence. In the individually created web shop, they can access more than 50,000 articles and order them directly. The complete C-parts supply is handled via this, including special parts such as chemicals. A workflow ensures that the supervisor is notified when a certain amount is reached. Blumenbecker currently receives orders three to four times a week. Most of the orders are for protective work equipment, such as gloves and welding protection. Consumables, such as drills and abrasives, are also often included.
"The decisive factor in choosing Blumenbecker over other suppliers was the connection to our existing ERP system. The mapping of cost centres and the paperless invoices are further advantages," explains Stegmann. In general, he appreciates Blumenbecker's open and uncomplicated approach. The authorised officer is no friend of bureaucracy and says openly when something doesn't fit. "When problems arise, Blumenbecker reacts quickly, with a lot of ambition and commitment. That's what I expect," says Thomas Stegmann about the cooperation.